Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nautical Flea Market Weekend - Sept. 16,17,18

Liz Cordier, June Phillips, and Jodi Mills work the booth.

13 Club Members generously gave up part of their week end to work the Flea Market at the fair grounds to make SSC some money. They included Gary Greenfield, Ed Skupeen, Nippy & Sue Pauels, Liz Cordier, June Phillips, Dave & Jodi Mills, VJ Bell, John & Chase Franco, Curt Groteau, and Jim Weix. Thanks to all of you for bringing $641 into the Club in support of our scholarship programs.
And, thanks to Julie Lentine for donating space and Shurhold Industries for donating items for sale. The Club was able to sell the balance of the tournament shirts left over after our events.
These Flea Market events have brought in over $2,000 over the past three years.
Thanks to all for their help.