Monday, March 30, 2009

SSC Recieves Generous Donation of Release PIn and Certificate

(Click on image to expand and read)

As most of us know, during the 1950's the Club was a leader in conservation of our natural resources, and provided sailfish release pins and certificates for those who "let them go". When the Club could no longer afford to give out pins, the practice of recognizing sailfish releases continued into the 1980's by providing certificates to anglers who released their catches, and pins and certificates are prized by many who received them.

While there seems to be no record of how many pins or certificates had been awarded, the Club had no original pin or certificate. Not until now!

Earlier this month, Caroline Seely who resides in Pennsylvania donated a pin and certificate to the Club that her father won in 1950. She also provided some history and pictures of their boat and fishing catches. These were put together in a presentation, and Curt Whiticar framed it for the Club. It's special in many ways, and it now hangs in the Club office. Stop by to see it and read Caroline's memories of Stuart during her childhood winters.

Thank you, Caroline, for your generosity and your addition to our Club history.